Sunday, April 1, 2012


An epiphany (from the ancient Greek ἐπιφάνεια, epiphaneia, "manifestation, striking appearance") is the sudden realization or comprehension of the (larger) essence or meaning of something.-Wikipedia

So I finally figured it out,

why my life is the way that it is

why at this tender age

I am alone and without a mate.

I pick the men in my life poorly.
It is hard to admit that
I like so many others
suck at picking what is right.

I can say wholeheartedly, 
that I loved each and everyone of them.
And if I am honest I can say for most
that love wasnt returned at all.

Yet I stay and attempted to love 
in-spite of it
Now I sit here,
an aging fool..with no arms to turn to
or to call my own.

I am an idiot for leaving my life to chance.
It hurts..he hurt me
but I am confident that tomorrow 
will be much better without him
without any of them.

And that was the epiphany
life wont move forward as long as I'm 
holding on to the men of my past
Dead things must be allowed to die!