Saturday, February 18, 2012

"And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus."Philippians 4:7 King James Version (KJV)

Oh how I thank you Father GOD 
for renewing inside of me hope. 
I trust in your word, I trust in your promises.
 I know that what you desire for me is greater 
than anything I could ever imagine. 
I know right now my life has caused me to stumble, 
sickness has made its place in my body
 and I have lost the will to fight.

 I thank you for reminding me of your presence,
 for giving me space...time to rest,
 to gather my strength...
 to grab your hand and continue this journey.

I know not  where I am going,
 but I trust that where you are leading me
 is exactly where I need to be...
I trust that you have made provisions, 
I trust that in my lack 
you will stand in the gap and make sure that I continue, 
that I prosper...
and not just for your sake..
but because I am your child and you LOVE me
 beyond my ability to comprehend.

Thank you for being here with me, 
even when I lost the strength to call on your name. 
Thank you for sending people in my life 
to hold my hand in my moments of doubt. 
Please continue to surround me with your love,
 keep me focused on my goal which is and should always be
 to see you one day in heaven.

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Thanks for sharing your thoughts....Be Blessed!