"The power that comes from inside Ichigo could never be stolen"-Rukia to Ichigo's assailants
"Ichigo... they don't know that this isn't enough to make you give up hope. They don't know what kinds of hopeless situations you have overcome! Show them Inchigo! Show them that despair isn't enough to stop you !!!"-Rukia reminding Ichigo of his strength
I absolutely love anime! But beyond that, I love the message behind loss. I watched this video having no idea that it would be the one where he gains back his powers. As I heard the words, I realized that my soul was saying the same thing to me....despair isnt enough to stop me!!!
So grateful how GOD can send messages in different languages that can help in the restorative process. The bible says, we are more than conquerors in Christ Jesus name. I am definitely feeling that right now...devil beware, this child has their breast plate of salvation and sword ready to protect and defend what is mine. and I plan to do it all in Jesus name!