Monday, June 25, 2012

Love my friends!

Today was rough, rougher than most.
At times I find myself sinker deeper and deeper into this state of pity...
why isn't my life as awesome as I had planned.
When I look at it honestly, 
there were times when I gave up what mattered most
out of fear that I would fail.

I think that has always been my issue,
half-hearted attempts begin 
once I've gotten a clue that 
"this shit will take work".

And it really isn't that I dislike work,
its more that I fear that all the effort will be in vain.
It's like that with my friends as well,
I disengage once there is something deep inside
that begins to scream, this will be a waste of your time.

Today while chilling at my pity party,
my phone rang and I missed it.
When the call was finally returned,
I heard his voice grow more with laughter,
felt us both smiling as we talked trash about this PhD process.
And at some point I found myself grateful.

Grateful that I had met him,
so grateful that I had taken the time out to nurture the friendship,
so very grateful that when I failed to do so he made sure the nurturace occurred.

As my phone died in the middle of the actually 2 hours in
I found myself undeterred by its quick ending,
for I knew for a fact, in a few months
a similar discussion would begin.

When I typed to him on facebook, 
a note apologizing for the abrupt end,
he replied with this...

"Lol--that's what I figured! Love you lots!  

I told(his boyfriend)--either her phone died or she

had to go to the bathroom really bad

and she just hit the 'end' button. Or, maybe both "

I couldn't help but start laughing...oh how I love my friends
but more importantly, 
I love how they so open show their love 
and total  acceptance of me!

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